Rose Blackflame

You have touched a card given to you in some manner by a promiscuous white haired Raen and in doing so, have clouded your mind with images of a place intangible... a place of learning... teaching you of the one you have recently encountered...

Age: 24Race: Au'Ra, RaenHeight: 7' ft. 3" in. (Same as max height FemRoe)Gender: Futa, She/HerSexual Orientation & Role: Bisexual heavy leaning towards females. Switch with preference depending on mood.Occupation: Adventurer, Courtesan, Photographer, Owner of The Lucky Lizard Adventurer's Guild, Owner and Queen of Fixers at F̵l̵a̴t̷-̵L̵i̴n̶e̴Hobbies: Performing simple magic tricks (and turning tricks), tinkering with technology, training in combat techniquesLikes: Fighting with high stakes, gambling, drinkingDislikes: Rudeness, unreasonable stupidity, bugs...Description: A young looking Raen with short, pure white hair and heterochromic eyes. The left white, and right deep vibrant purple with a bright pink limbal ring.
Due to a recent alchemy-related accident, she is now unnaturally tall compared to other Auri.
Typically wears a monocle over her left eye, often refusing to remove it under any circumstance.
Usually adopts a seductive tone when speaking, whether this is intentional or not is not always 100% clear.
Rose primarily wields a gunblade as her choice weapon and has been a Gunbreaker
for a large portion of her life, but dabbles in other fighting forms.
Rose's most important aspect of her life is her friends, often considering them as integral to her very existence and doing anything
to keep her companions happy and safe, sometimes to her own detriment...

Discord contact: spacemunki#9525♥ Photography prices are discussed case by case ♥
Please DM me directly to get started!

Rose offers courtesan services as well as photography, here are her costs for courtesan services....I have VIP packages for those who want to get more out of my services! Ask for details in Discord DMs!Please note that outfit requests are accepted, but if Rose doesn't already have the outfit, it must be provided for her.V Standard Services V ♥ Private Dance - 100,000 gil - 15 minutes♥ Private Session - 500,000 gil - 1 hour (Price may vary dependant on Rose's preferences and any requests made)V Premium Services V♥ Rent for a day - Rose will spend all the time she has in her day with you for a single flat payment of 5,000,000 gil and will do anything you ask (given that she is comfortable / able)♥ Specific requests are also taken with price negotiations...Please note that rent days must be scheduled ahead of time and Rose reserves the right to cancel if things become uncomfortable. I.E. : violating Rose's boundries multiple times or things becoming "too real". basically don't be a dick/weird and you'll be fine...
Rose reserves the right to void any contract for any reason at any time.

"Welcome to my galleria, all of my work is contained within, as well a separate section dedicated to those who have made their own pieces that include me~..." -RoseLegacy pages are older works and do NOT reflect my best photography, please keep this in mind when browsing. Commissioned Photography and Artistic Renderings are NOT my work. ♥

"It is said that a picture paints a thousand words... these capture the essence of my life in various ways and in doing so, may even tell you a story... look closely~..." -Rose

"I would have these pieces invoke feelings of primal, carnal lust within you... come and take me, if you can~..." -Rose

"Can't have all the fun to myself though... intimate scenes captured in the heat of the moment with passionate lovers are truly the pinnacle of pure, romantic sexuality~..." -Rose

"It's quite interesting to see myself from a different perspective... not to mention reassuring, my self image is very important to me~..." -Rose

"A more in depth glimpse of my eroticism... My written recountings have improved much in the time that has past~..." -RoseOOC Note: Please keep in mind that not all details of these stories are canon lore. Any stories I write here are mainly just to be horny and while parts of them might be canon, they do not represent the true alignment or morals of Rose and certainly not myself. These are STRICTLY fiction and I thought them up before thinking about lore stuff.

The Rose and The ThiefContent Warning: Sexual orientation play, Blackmail, Coercion, Allusions to sexual assault

Nyx slipped into the nearest yard once out of sight, behind a wall and narrowly escaping the guards that were pursuing her. "FUCK! I cant believe I got myself into this mess..." She quietly berated herself for her idiocy.
Her tiny form was sufficient at concealing her presence, the shadow cast by the purple tree overhead sealing the deal. They had lost her. They shouted angrily, passing her hiding spot and moving further
as tense moments passed. When they finally were lost from Nyx's view, she breathed a sigh of relief. She noticed the front door of the plot's building ajar and, foolishly decided that she couldn't possibly
get any deeper than she already was. Besides, she was hungry, catching the aroma of alchohol and baked goods from within taunting her closer. Deftly she moved down the steps, closer to her goal. Another fine meal, for the taking.
She wouldn't, no, couldn't screw it up again... "Whoa... this place is... something alright..." At the bottom of the steps, she was met by a blue light, turning and sparkling. It appeared she was in a half bar... half... brothel?
A board near to the entry tacked with... guild... leves...? What a strange combination of decor, but she dare not question it further. Behind the bar lay a veritable banquet, meats, soups, fruits... how strange though, not a soul in
sight despite it's freshness. Behind all of it though, a REAL prize. A shelf chock full of liqours and spirits, beers and bitters. A full array of an alcoholic's worst nightmares or grandest dreams, depending on who you're talking to.
Nyx hopped the counter, staring in awe at the surplus of food... "And some idiot just left the door open... tch..." She mumbled to herself, glancing over at the shark in the massive tank near by. To which, she had to double take to
finally notice... "Shit..." She stood there, slackjawed at her own stupidity as a VERY tall (and VERY hot) woman emerged from the other side of the bar. "Tsk tsk tsk... some idiot I must be..." The woman spoke, a seductive tone to her
soft voice, but not without a point, a sharp edge to it. "And just what the /fuck/ were you doing behind my bar, hmm?" An abnormally tall Au'ra dressed like a total punk, short white hair glistening with blue light reflected off its surface as she walked forward.
Her top consisted of a cropped jacket and shirt, tight against a modest and small chest. Though, her nipples shamelessly poked through the fabric because of this, showing off barbell piercings underneath. Tight ripped jeans accentuated the
curves of her sizable ass, thick thighs, and bitchy attitude. She wore identical handwear to Nyx, same boots too. If nothing else, that fact alone screamed lesbian to Nyx, though there was plenty else to prove it.

Well, fuck.
At least her captor was totally smokin' but, that did little to help the situation beyond making her somewhat aroused which, honestly just made things worse. "I asked you a question, sticky fingers." She asserted herself a second time.
But wait how did she know... "What, cat got your tongue or somethin'? Guards must've been pissed about somethin' if they're runnin' around making all that god damn racket... Then, some pretty little knife-ear walks into my bar and
makes herself comfy, gawking at my booze shelf? Yeah, think I'm safe in my assumptions... So what. Were. You. Doing." Nyx gritted her teeth, baring them a little at the much larger woman. Damn it, now how would she get away?
What could she possibly scheme up this time, back against the wall like this, nowhere to go... but the woman hadn't yelled for the guards yet, she just stood there, scowling... maybe... She moved forward swiftly, her large,
gloved hand flying forth and gripping Nyx around the neck. Now there was no more time to think, all Nyx could do was gasp, struggling against the hand gripping her throat as it raised her off the ground. The woman brought her close to her face,
staring through her eyes into her soul. "Answer. The fucking. Question." She demanded yet again, causing Nyx a rush of adrenaline, her heart throbbing... and her nethers too. Nobody had touched her like this, talked to her like this
in a /long/ time. She couldn't help it, nor would she fight it. She hated all the times in days past when she was part of a band of thieves, the men of which constantly pestered her for "favors" or some such despite knowing she was
very, VERY gay. She hated them... so much so she almost forgot where she was.

"Listen pip-squeak, I'm not exactly squeaky clean myself... So here's the fuckin' deal." The larger woman smirked, clearly she had something... mischievous
in mind. "I like the way you look, you like the way my shelves look... So, 'stead'a stealin' from me, how about we trade. You help me... relieve some tension..." She licks her plump, black lips, her face inching closer as her voice softens.
"And I make you somethin' good to eat, give you a place to stay while things blow over... whaddya say?~" Nyx's shock turned to confusion, she was now a deer in headlights, no thoughts going through her head. "W-what?" Was all she could
muster. She struggled to speak, the hand around her throat making things a bit difficult. The woman rolled her eyes, sighing before elaborating. "Do I really have to spell it out for you? You let me fuck you, you get food and a place to crash."
How could she possibly refuse? A woman twice her size asking to do something really, REALLY gay to her? A woman who had every reason to call for the guards, who had her by the neck, wanted to instead make her dinner and have sex with her?
Maybe the sex being first was backwards but... an easy way out and a hot as hell lizard to go with it? Why not? "F-fine! J-jus... put me down!" The woman's smile grew wider, crushing Nyx's neck a little harder before obilging.
Clearly she had some... special tastes. Nyx coughed as her feet thudded against the floor, rubbing her neck as the woman spoke again. "Cute tits by the way, I wanna see em." Whoa, that uh... really got her going. Nyx did exactly as the woman
asked, not keen on pissing the lizard off any more than she already had. "Aww aint that cute... inverted nips hmm? ~ Cuter than I thought..." The woman lowered her gloved hand, sticking a finger out and flicking one of those nips upwards.
Nyx flinched, pressing her thighs together as her eyes darted away. How embarrassing... getting caught like this, being forced to do this... and on top of that, being guilty of kinda liking it. The woman undid the buttons of her jeans,
pulling them down to reveal a large, throbbing dick which smacked against Nyx's cheek. Gods. Damn it. She was stunned, confused, and her mood was instantly ruined.

The woman kicked her jeans away from her ankles, a pair of black laced panties
tangled in the middle of them. She wasn't wasting any time, but Nyx certainly wanted to waste her time now. "I... I'm not touching that." She backed away as she spoke, but the same gloved hand that grabbed her neck was now
pushing the top of her head closer. The relatively massive thing pressed against her cheek, making her grit her teeth in disgust. She hated men, she hated dick. Why. Why did she have to have a dick? "Come again pip-squeak? Thought we had a deal?"
The woman sounded a little agitated now, rightfully so in all honesty. Nyx knew the feeling of being promised a good time, only for it to be a lie. But she didn't sign up for this. "I hate... /that/... I don't touch em, never."
Her captor was slightly frustrated, but amused as well. "Tch, what, think you've got another choice? The deal was you get me off and I don't turn you in, Simple. Considering what you've done, I'm not exactly feeling patient..." The tall
lizard began tapping her foot, pushing against Nyx's cheek with her cock. Nyx growled and grumbled, hooking her fingers over the side of the thick shaft. She was right, there wasn't a choice. At least she'd be able to wash the taste out of her
mouth afterward. For a lesbian, she wasn't doing a great job of showing it. She had only ever been with one woman before, one who didn't have a dick either. Maybe it was an act of rebellion against her upbringing that got her there, but
she liked it. Every man she had ever met before was an asshole. Unfortunately all of them she had ever met had either been self serving, stupid assholes, or both. Especially the holy men of her homeland, Ishgard. Though the things they
put her through... how they call themselves "holy" was a mystery to her. But she didn't wanna think more about her time with the church, not now, probably not ever again. "Don't keep me waiting pipsqueak. Get it in your mouth before I change
my mind." Fuck. With a low growl to mark her dissatisfaction, Nyx slowly stroked the thing, trying not to think about what she was doing. That got her through most of her life before so... "Stop fucking calling me that..." She growled.
The lizard only shrugged, grinning wider as Nyx licked the head of her penis. It tasted gross, it felt gross. All of this was so, so gross. She tried to focus on the small pair of clothed tits looming above, at least the woman wasn't flat.
Not to mention, the outline of the piercings below the fabric were erotic, enough to distract Nyx momentarily. Her lips pressed against the tip, slowly growing around the circumfrence of it as she sunk lower. It streched the limit of her lips,
making it difficult to take the whole way. At this rate, she'd choke herself out before she reached the base... "Hmm... not terrible I guess..." The woman chuckled quietly to herself, seems she figured Nyx out. Was it really that obvious that she hasn't
sucked dick before? At least, not by her own choice. She thought she could fake it, but this woman was clearly better than that. "Tch... maybe we should try something you can actually handle..." The woman stroked Nyx's head gently, it was
a strange confliction to her earlier attitude. It soothed Nyx somewhat, made her feel... safer. Though, that was a silly thing to think. I mean, how could she think that about her captor like that? Making her do this... she even made it clear
that she hated it, and this bitch just kept going... Uhg, too much to think about. Too much for Nyx to care about. No more thinking, just get through it. That's all she had to do. But... what did she mean by something Nyx could /actually/ handle?
The woman pulled away, effortlessly scooping Nyx off the ground and plopping her down on the counter. "H-hey! What're you-!" Nyx protested, the edges of her lips slick with a little saliva and precum. With little hesitation, the woman tore off Nyx's shorts
and spread her legs, finding an... interesting surprise. Nyx choked, shocked at the sudden revelation that this woman is going to have something to say about what she now sees.

"Well now, aren't you the most adorable little hypocrite?~ "
She stepped closer to Nyx, her giant, throbbing cock sliding up against Nyx's newly revealed penis. It was already standing, despite Nyx's thoughts on the woman after learning what she had downstairs. She blushed, though she felt furious, gritting
her teeth and grumbling some more. "A-asshole..." She mumbled, not realizing quite yet what was happening. "Oh? Is that where you want it then?~ " The woman teased, frotting with Nyx before slapping her sizable cock against the tiny elf a couple times.
"NO!" Nyx yelled, the woman simply chuckling in response. "Yeah, I was thinking here instead anyway~ ..." The woman lowered the head of her penis, prodding Nyx's pussy ever so gently. It was only now she realized just how big it was... so much
larger than her slit... it'd tear her open! "W-wait! It's-" She tried to protest, but the woman cut her off. "Just relax, It'll be fine~ " She had a sadistic smile, but her words were soft, caring even... She pressed in a little more, but
Nyx interrupted again. "Your name!" The woman stopped, curious. "Hmmm?~ " Nyx had just blurted it out, she wasn't thinking... "Y-your name! If you're gonna do that... tell me your name first ya jackass!" Nyx certainly had a fire to her, one the woman
couldn't help but respect. "Rose. Rose Blackflame... Your turn~ ." Rose waited patiently, throbbing against Nyx's entrance which felt warm and slick. Slick partially from Rose herself though, whose penis was dribbling a thick load of pre from its tip.
Nyx looked away, embaressed that she would even ask... like she'd need to know after all is said and done. "Nyx... my name is Nyx..." Rose's expression softened just a little, gently gliding her hand down Nyx's side, following the smaller woman's curves.
She dragged her finger across Nyx's waist, wrapping her fingers around the shaft. She leaned in, kissing the tip of Nyx's relatively small penis. Not to say it was small at all though, it was, in fact, quite large compared to the rest of her body.
Rose started to jerk her off slowly at first, then penetrated her. Nyx gasped, her pupils contracting in conjunction with her insides. It hurt. It hurt a lot. She couldn't scream, for fear the guards might come investigate. The door was still ajar
after all, she couldn't risk it. Nyx tried so hard, her teeth clenching so hard she could make them shatter. Rose pushed in far, groaning with pleasure as she slid further. She needed a little force, poor little Nyx was tight as a wine bottle with an oversized cork.
Rose was one helluva cork too, stuffing Nyx full of her throbbing meat. She could hardly get halfway in before meeting Nyx's womb, which gave her great pleasure to feel kissing her head. "O-oooh fuck~ ... I don't even need to be the whole way in
and you still feel sooooo gooood~..." Rose reveled in the tightness of Nyx's tiny little pussy, the warmth and slickness of her vaginal muscles contracting around her cock. Rose couldn't help but get wet herself, her slit dripping down her curvaceous thighs.

Nyx was straining, tears picking the corners of her eyes as white hot pain shot through her body. She couldn't muster a single word, only choked gasps and short bursts of hyperventilation. Rose could see that Nyx wasn't taking her advice so she calmed the little
elf down the only way she could think of. She leaned in, placing her free hand on Nyx's cheek, and kissed her. Nyx was taken aback, she didn't know how to react... she hated this woman, she hated Rose for this but... she went with it.
Nyx let this total bitch just stick her tongue into her mouth, placing her soft... supple lips onto hers... No, what the fuck?! Did she... really just kiss back? It's as if her tongue moved on its own, she was so conflicted...
Nyx was finally more relaxed, allowing Rose to slide back out of her, then push in again. She began rythmically pumping into Nyx, far less resistance barring her entry than before, the both of them now moaning together. Nyx's cock throbbed in Rose's hand,
threatening to burst at any moment as her heat climbed higher. Rose could feel it coming, pushing harder she stretched Nyx's cunt to it's limit, tip poking into the womb of the poor little girl. Rose tried to hold back, not wanting to completely break
the girl. They both moaned loudly as they burst at their climax, Rose's legs were drenched in her juices as well as Nyx's, the both of them squirting like fountains. Though Nyx was closer to a fountain than Rose, her cock erupting in the lizard's hand, whilst
Rose spilled a thick load into her womb.

Her load was so thick and voluminous that it spilled from her slit before Rose could even pull out. The two of them breathed heavily, but Rose still had the strength to pick up Nyx, cradling her against her massive body while
holding her up by her thighs. "You did good sweetie~ " Rose whispered into her ear softly. She carried Nyx up the steps, who was mostly unresponsive aside from heavy panting. Rose took her to her personal quarters, where she laid the poor thing in her bed.
Stroking the top if her head gently, Rose kissed Nyx's forehead and spoke softly. "Rest now. I'll have something for you when you wake~..." Nyx couldn't respond, she was just... so tired now. It... felt good... too good... why? So many questions swirling around in her head
but... she was just... too tired... She'd think about it more when she woke, when she could think... when she wasn't... drifting off...

"Like what you see sweetie?~ This isn't even me at my best! This and more could be allll yours... for a price~..." -Rose

"These next few include some... companions, of mine... Though, I'll have to revisit them soon and show them how much I've... grown~... " -Rose

"Some of my work from days past... I have long since improved, but I hold these stepping stones close to my heart..." -Rose

"Artistic renderings, for your viewing pleasure as much as mine." - Rose